We asked for logos. And we received 250 of them!
Some of the entries were beautiful pictures ... which must have been taken ages to do! We've shared a selection of the submissions throughout this story.
We were overwhelmed by fantastic drawings and designs, which really encapsulated what Cambridge Children's Network is all about - children, young people, parents and carers coming together to help build a hospital from scratch. Members of Cambridge Children's Network bring their lived experience of mental and physical health to the project. By sharing their ideas for the design of Cambridge Children's Hospital and the care it will provide, they are helping make sure we get it right for generations of children and young people in the East of England - and beyond.
During the last year, Cambs Youth Panel have restored and delivered more than a thousand computers to young people who didn't have one for homeschooling during lockdown. When they found out about the Cambridge Children's Hospital project, they kindly offered to build and donate an amazing prize - a bespoke £800+ gaming PC and art tool. They then helped send the competition out to schools, reaching thousands of young people across the region.
Open to years 7-11, the students were challenged to design a logo for Cambridge Children’s Network. Both the shortlisting and the judging was done completely anonymously, with no information other than the child’s school year group. Judges picked their favourite from each of the four groups – Year 7, 8,9 and 10 and 11 combined. The one with the most votes won the prize.
It took us AGES to draw up a shortlist. But with the help of 15-year-old Molly from Cambs Youth Panel, we made our decision.
The judges then had to pick an overall winner!
Gemma, Year 7, from Cambridge
This is Gemma with her prize!
Our three runners up will receive £30 art vouchers!
A winning handover!
Gemma with Alice Holmes, Lead Clinical Nurse for Cambridge Children's Hospital, Phil Priestley from Cambs Youth Panel and Alistair Day, head teacher of St Bede's Inter-Church School in Cambridge.
Year 8 runner up
Year 8 runner up
Year 9 runner up
Year 9 runner up
Year 10 and 11 runner up
Year 10 and 11 runner up
A huge thank you to our judges, who were chosen for their enthusiasm for the Cambridge Children's Hospital project and their eye for a great logo!
Tracy Dowling, CEO, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Sarah Vincent, Head of External Affairs, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
David Rowitch, Professor and Head of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge
Helen Pemberton, CCH Campaign Board
Tim Shukar-Yates, Graffiti artist and counsellor
Janine Machin, Presenter, BBC Look East
Jo, Parent, Cambridge Children's Network
Alisha, Young Person, Cambridge Children's Network
Amaan, Young Person, Cambs Youth Panel
Also, the Cambridge Children's Network Team would like to thank Cambs Youth Panel for making this competition possible. It's been a lot of fun!
Finally, a HUGE thank you to all the young people who took the time to enter this competition. You did an amazing job and have brought a lot of joy with your designs!